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First Chart

Brianna Silva

Due 2/14/22 | Submitted 3/14/22


After downloading the sample data set "Aliens Apprehended," which was provided on Canvas, I exported it to Tableau where I played with different kinds of charts to best visualize the data. After experimenting with different kinds of charts, I noticed that one kind of chart I was drawn to (slide two) wasn't as efficient in communicating the data as it could be. Not all of the data was shown, requiring the user to manually scroll to access more data (and the larger story), so I decided to change the kind of chart entirely. While I was most drawn to this horizontal bar chart, I learned that it was more efficient to use a line chart because it would help me show changes in data over a certain period of time, which in this case, I had a big time section from 1925 to 2017. There were a few different ways I could do the line graph, but I decided to use the more condensed version of this graph to show the greater changes over time rather than focusing on each specific year since 1925.


  1. Was this data from the United States?

  2. What were some of the highest and/or lowest rates of immigration based on nationality?

  3. How can we visually contextualize the history during the higher rates of immigration?


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