This data visualization from Fathom Information Design illustrates the change of incomes in the Boston area, specifically comparing 2010 and 2017. I thought it was really interesting and engaging as a reader because it allowed me to see how incomes changed geographically in this area, which . Rather than providing readers with a simple bar or line graph, which are most commonly used to depict a change of data over time, journalist Anisha Nakagawa gives us a fresh visual to change the pace of things and peak and maintain our interest. Not only does this make the story more interactive for the reader, but it helps them better understand the greater story of how Boston neighborhoods have changed over time.

While I enjoy how this map allows readers to see data in a different way that ultimately increases their understanding of the greater story, one way to improve this visual would be to make it a bit more interactive for the reader so that they can be the one to move the marker from 2010 to 2017.